Known locally as the Abbey, it was founded before 1268 and flourished throughout the middle ages. In recent times, the friars ran a secondary school, and then an agricultural college at this site. The friars continue to live at the Abbey and celebrate the sacraments daily. Its grounds are very pleasant with life-sized Stations of the Cross in its woodland.
Lough Derravaragh is close-by and the church windows depict the mythological story of the Children of Lir whose wicked step-mother, Aoife turned them into swans. Eventually after 900 years there and in other places, they were released by St. Patrick who then baptised them. The trees surrounding the Abbey are home to large numbers of crows, and wild flowers are plentiful. A channelled stream passes through the grounds.
Picturesque Multyfarnham village with its historic friary is situated only a short distance south of Lough Derravaragh Special Protection Area (SPA) and Natural Heritage Area (NHA). A few kilometres north-west is Garriskil Bog Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA), and proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA). To the south, there is Lough Owel SAC, SPA and pNHA and Lough Iron SPA and pNHA as well as other protected sites in the vicinity. Loughs Derravaragh, Owel, Iron and Lough Ennell are also Ramsar sites - internationally important wetlands.
Give yourself a moment to be still, and become aware of the gentle loving presence of God in your midst. Read the piece of scripture below, and let it sink into you. Then click one of the photos displayed below, and sit back, gaze, & listen to the Lord speaking to you:
Cry out with joy to God all the earth;
O sing to the glory of his name
Psalm 65(66), 1-2
- St. Francis