Located beside the present Catholic church on Main Street, the Franciscan friary, dedicated to St. Thomas à Becket, was founded c.1276-9 by the de Barry family. The friary was suppressed and destroyed in the late 16th century, but the friary church survived owing to its fine tombs.
The friary church and south transept are intact but the tower is gone. A cemetery exists on the northern side where the friary and cloister once stood. Stones from the cloister have been incorporated into a wall within the ruins for safe keeping. Flora and fauna can be found in and around the ruins and cemetery.
Buttevant village and its historic friary are situated next to the Awbeg River which flows into the River Blackwater. The Awbeg River rises in two places - one part rises in the Ballyhoura mountains in Co. Limerick while the other part rises a little north of the village of Liscarroll, Co. Cork. The Awbeg River is part of the River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
Allow yourself to quieten down, and become aware of everyone and everything around you. Everything that exists has its origin somehow in God and exists at God's will. God is like an artist or craftsman. Reflect upon these words of sacred scripture, and click on an image below to aid your reflection:
God saw everything that he had made,
and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1, 31a
- St. Francis