The Franciscan Friary known as Muckross Abbey is situated within Killarney National Park and a few kms outside Killarney town. The friary was founded in 1448 by Dónal McCarthy Mór and dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Despite having had to abandon this site, the friars stayed nearby, and minister in Killarney town today. The ruins of Muckross Abbey are substantial and well kept. A very large yew tree dominates the cloister garden. On a July visit, I identified enchanter's nightshade, lesser stitchwort, tutsan, birdsfoot trefoil, red valerian, bush vetch, lords-and-ladies, and meadow vetchling. The friary sits amongst beautiful woodland habitat and grazing parkland with much to enjoy.
The friary is situated within Killarney National Park and in a very extensive Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA) and proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA) comprising mountains, lakes, and woodlands etc.
Give yourself a moment to become still, and let yourself become aware of the gentle loving presence of God with you now. Read the piece of scripture below let it resonates through you. Then click on a photo, sit back, gaze & listen to what the Spirit is saying to you:
Then God said to Noah ...
"... I am establishing my covenant with you ...
and with every living creature that is with you,
the birds, the domestic animals,
and every animal of the earth with you ..."
Genesis 9: 8-10
- St. Francis