A short distance from the other picturesque but less accessible friary at Moyne, Rosserk Friary is situated next to the estuary of the R. Moy. It was founded for a Third Order community of Franciscans c.1460 by the Joyce family. Following attack in 1590, the friary was abandoned. At the end of a narrow lane, the site enjoys incomparable peace and tranquillity interrupted only by the gentle lapping of tidal water nearby. The friary ruins have some notable features such as the west doorway, east window, tower, and a fine double piscina with a round tower carved on one of its pillars (right photo). Flora includes lax-flowered sea lavender, greater sea-spurrey, annual seablite, sea-plantain, sea aster, hogweed, and possibly Danish scurvygrass.
Rosserk and Moyne friaries are both located beside the Killala Bay/Moy Estuary Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA) and proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA). The Killala Bay/Moy Estuary complex is also a Ramsar site (internationally important wetland).
Give yourself a moment to become still, and let yourself become aware of the gentle loving presence of God with you now. Read the piece of scripture below and stay with it for a little while. Then click on a photo below, and just sit back, gaze & listen to God speaking to you:
God said, 'Let the earth produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants, and fruit trees bearing fruit with their seeds inside, on earth.' And so it was. The earth produced vegetation: plants bearing seeds in their several kinds, and trees bearing fruit with their seeds inside in their several kinds. God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:11-13
- St. Francis