Our Brother & Sister Creatures

Praise the Lord!

Red Roses, Friary garden, Ennis, Co. Clare

"Whenever Francis found an abundance of flowers, he used to preach to them and invite them to praise the Lord, just as if they were endowed with reason. Fields and vineyards, rocks and woods, and all the beauties of the field, flowing streams and blooming gardens, earth and fire, air and wind: all these he urged to love of God and to willing service. Finally, he used to call all creatures by the name of "brother" and "sister" and in a wonderful way, unknown to others, he could discern the secrets of the heart of creatures ..."

- from The Life of St. Francis by Thomas of Celano, 1229


Praise our one Creator!

Seal in Loughshinny Harbour, Co. Dublin

"Francis diligently noted the virtue of all creatures, and whatever he was able to judge as admirable, delightful or of value in any of them, he referred totally to the glory of the Maker of all things. What do you think he drank in of true knowledge, sweetness and grace in the sun, the moon, the stars and the firmament, in the elements and in their effects or embellishments? What, I ask, did he drink when he contemplated the power, wisdom and goodness of the Creator of all things? 

Green-veined White Butterfly (Pieris napi) on knapweed, Longmeadow, Athlone, Co. Westmeath Surely, I do not think it would be possible for any mortal to express this in his own words ... Since he traced all things back to their one first beginning, he called every creature "brother," and, in his own praises, continuously invited all creatures to praise their one common Creator." 

- from The Life of St. Francis by Julian of Speyer, 1234/5


To the glory of the Maker of all things,

let us protect & care for the biodiversity in our locality